Education general, all Latvia
Riga Natalia Draudzinas Secondary School, Primary school
Tērbatas 69, Rīga, LV-1001
Education: general
Preiļu 1. elementary school
Daugavpils 34, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
Education , Preiļu 1st Primary School, school, general education with the opportunity to acquire knowledge, in science, special primary education .
Roya High School
Roja, Zvejnieku 7, Rojas pagasts, Talsu nov. LV-3264
Education - Primary education , Special basic education program for students with mental retardation and, learning difficulties, General secondary education comprehensive orientation program, General secondary
Dāvja Ozoliņa Apes high school, Place of realization of educational programs in Vidaga
"Sikšņu skola", Vidaga, Virešu pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4355
Rīgas 5. special boarding elementary school - development center, Branch
Stokholmas 26, Rīga, LV-1014
Rīgas 5. special boarding elementary school - development center, Branch
Baltāsbaznīcas 40, Rīga, LV-1015
Rīgas tehniski-lingvistiskā koledža, LTD
Ģertrūdes 27, Rīga, LV-1011
Implements minority general primary education (7 to 9 grade), Secondary education programs, distance, Humanitarian education . General program. Individual training, external studies department.
Strazdumuiža Boarding Secondary School, Development center for visually impaired and blind children
Braila 24, Rīga LV-1024
Upesgriva special boarding primary school, Branch in Valgale
"Valgales skola", Valgale, Abavas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3294
Education Specialist., Vocational training, special education , boarding school, boarding primary school, special boarding school
Upesgrīva Elementary School
"Upesgrīvas skola", Uguņciems, Vandzenes pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3284
Education Specialist. Vocational training, special education, boarding school, boarding primary school, special boarding school, catering services, catering services during the summer season, summer canteen, banquets, winter canteen in Laidze, cafe, summer cafe, cafes, banquet table setting, group catering.
Ciecere elementary school
Kalnsētas 13, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Elementary school, eco school, rehabilitation, basic education program, elementary education mathematics, , natural sciences and engineering program, special basic education programs( codes 21015611, 21015811
Kalnsēta primary school
Kalnsētas 2, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Education : professional, special professional education ., Professional education programs: domestic science, construction works.
Ezersala Boarding Elementary School
"Ezersalas speciālā pamatskola", Ezersala, Zvirgzdenes pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5752
Cook's helper, confectioner assistant, carpenter's helper, (with 9 classes of education )., of age, special elementary education program for students with mental disabilities.
Rīgas vispārizglītojošā privātā vidusskola Evrika , LTD
Apuzes 74, Rīga LV-1029
children, child care, summer projects, preparation for school, exams, external studies department, education
Madona State Gymnasium
Skolas 10, Madona, Madonas nov., LV-4801
Education , secondary education , basic education , educational institution, school, educational institution